Curb A-peel
curb a-peel Cedar Crest Golf Course parking lot, Dallas, Texas iPhone 2/2/12
curb a-peel
Royal @ Central parking lot, Dallas, Texas There's some fitness club there and I suppose eating a banana on the run to the club and tossing the remains is okay with some healthy folk. It is, after all, a bit too much to ask that one carries the trash a few more steps to a trash receptacle. 1/27/12
curb a-peel; whole
This one appeared to have been uneaten. Possibly it was overripe and tossed by a passing motorist? I don't like them when they're too squishy either. Hall Street, Dallas, Texas iPhone shakeitphoto 7/25/12
curb a-peel
advanced state of decay with new fallen leaf curb a-peel set: parking lot, Dallas, Texas 12/2012 iPhone shakeitphoto
curb a-peel
Centennial Liquor, Ross Ave., Dallas, Texas 12/14/2012 iPhone shakeitphoto
curb a-peel
Definitely a Dole 7th Street, Oak Cliff iPhone shakeitphoto 5/2012
curb a-peel
San Jacinto Street, Dallas iPhone 2/2012
curb a-peel
with ice cream cart. Cottonwood Trail. Dallas iPhone ShakeItPhoto 2/2013
curb a-peel
parking lot, downtown Dallas iPhone ShakeItPhoto 3/17/2013
curb a-peel
banana peel, shot while sitting at the light at Lovers Lane at Central, Dallas, Texas 1/17/12 iPhone
curb a-peel
I know it's not a banana peel but it kinda, sorta goes with this set iPhone ShakeItPhoto Jefferson Blvd. Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas 4/2013
curb a-peel
banana peel in advanced state of decay. 24-Hour Fitness parking lot with oil spots.
curb a-peel
freshly squished, CVS parking lot, Haskell @ Ross, Dallas, Texas Curb a-peel set: iPhone KitCam, Camera +, ShakeitPhoto 4/30/2013
curb a-peel
downtown lot after midnight. stuff I see on my ride home. iPhone with flash on. It was really dark. Camera+, ShakeItPhoto
curb a-peel
Flower shop parking lot. Washington at Ross, Dallas iPhone ShakeItPhoto 5/7/2013
curb a-peel
advanced state of decay on Kidwell St., Dallas iPhone ShakeItPhoto 5/9/2013
curb a-peel; diptych (Lakewood)
Fresh one on a recent Saturday and photographed again one week later. It had been moved from one end of the drainage grate to the other, presumably kicked by someone. iPhone ShakeItPhoto 5/2013
curb a-peel
Lakewood, Dallas part of it was edible. I abstained. iPhone ShakeItPhoto
Bryan Street, East Dallas Instagram 12/18/2013
Curb a-peel
banana peel on sidewalk set: ShakeItPhoto/Instagram Lakewood, Dallas 1/23/2014
Curb A-peel
freshly tossed South Dallas ShakeItPhoto/Instagram 4/2014
Curb a-peel with yellow
A very fresh one iPhone ShakeIt Photo 3/29/2014 12:10 PM
Curb a-peel
too far to the trash can I suppose. Idiot.
#curbapeel #bananapeel #droppedstuff
Another #curbApeel
Another #curbApeel
Another #curbapeel #bananapeel #dropped
Just another CurbApeel
N. Hall St. Dallas TX iPhone
discarded banana peels hither and yon